Download this free adorable printable cat matching memory game for the cat loving kids in your life.

Memory games are a fun way to keep the little ones occupied for a short time and we know, now more than ever – every few minutes moms and dad can grab these days is a help. If your kids love cats, this free printable will be a perfect game that will not only let your kids have fun – but keep them learning without feeling like they are.
Matching games can help your child improve their concentration and recall skills.
Download The Cat Memory Game
Click the download button to download the files needed for the cat matching game. There are 2 PDF files included in the download. These will be downloaded as a ZIP file that you will need to open on your computer and then you will see the 2 included PDF files.
Once you open your files simply print them out. I recommend you print them on a heavier weight paper or card stock – or alternatively you can print on standard printer paper then adhere that to a heavier weight board.
This will allow the game to last longer since your kids will probably want to play with it quite a bit.
How To Play The Cat Memory Game
This game is easy enough for even the youngest cat lover! Below are the simple instructions for play:
- Once all the cards are cut out and adhered you can place them face down on a hard surface
- If 1 child is playing alone let them flip one card then a second card. If they do not match the should turn them both back over and try again. Hopefully they will begin to remember the cards they flipped to be able to match them.
- If you have 2 children playing have each take a turn. One child flips 2 cards – if they match they get to keep them, if not they turn them back over. Then the next child goes. The child with the most cards can be a “winner” if you want them to play that one.
- The littlest kids may just enjoy trying to match the cards with print side up.
So, you can see there are a few options for this fun game that will not only entertain – but educate.
How Rescues Can Use This Game!
Rescues can download the game and host a small group of children to play at their shelter or rescue. We love the idea of kid friendly events at animal shelters – and this is a great way to get that ball rolling! This game combined with a small tour of the facility and lessons in pet care are a great way to offer some community assistance in animal welfare education.
They can also print and package up the game in some simple packaging branded to the shelter and hand them out at any holiday events they may be having.
It is a great kids ice breaker and of course getting our kids interested in animal welfare can result in less homeless animals, more volunteers and much more compassion in our world.