Mother’s Day – a day made to celebrate Mom’s everywhere.
Why not use this special day to build some awareness, raise some funds and promote pet adoptions at your animal rescue, sanctuary or shelter!
There are a lot of great ways to create a little extra attention around this holiday and we are outlining some of our favorite ideas below.
Mother’s Day Brunch
Whistler Animals Galore created a Mother’s Day Brunch for a fundraiser – but you can expand on this idea to also create a pet adoption day. This organization held the brunch on Mother’s Day at a local lodge and offered 3 seating times to accommodate different schedules. The marketing piece is bright and eye-catching which will be a standout in social media promotion.
While it may be hard to find a location that serves food that does have availability on Mother’s Day – you can offer this even the day before as well (Saturday) as an alternate.
To encourage adoptions you can setup an outdoor area with some adoptable pets so those enjoying a great day with Mom can see the other great pets you have available.

Pets Need Moms Too
Truer words have never been spoken! Every domestic animal deserves a mom of their own – and Ventura County Animal Services made this loud and clear with their Mother’s Day promotion.
Reduced fees for pet adoptions that take place on Mother’s Day weekend are a great way to bring in new potential adopters.
What we do like about their marketing piece is the clear warning that a pet should NEVER be given as a gift – and that the real Mother’s Day gift would be a trip to the shelter so mom can choose her new pet!

Mother’s Day Kitty-Gram
We love the creativity of this campaign – and it looks like the Arizona Humane Society had done something similar for Valentine’s Day with much success so they did it again for Mother’s Day!
The concept is that the rescue or shelter will deliver a micro-chipped kitten to mom on Mother’s Day. The adoption fee includes a starter kit and sweet treat.
We were a bit concerned about the “giving a pet as a gift” option that seems to come into play with this – but apparently this campaign has really worked well for them and they did have a “If you know your mom is ready for a new addition” line of text in their online promotions.
Hopefully an adoption counselor can get a great feel for potential adopters and their level of commitment prior to this kitty-gram being delivered! But we do think this could be something fun to do for Mom!

Become A Mom
We love this one! Become a Mom is a campaign to encourage those who may not be able to celebrate Mother’s Day – find a pet that will help them “Become A Mom”.
Empty Cages Collective ran this campaign to encourage cat an kitten adoptions and held a special adoption clinic at a pet supply store on Mother’s Day.
While the marketing piece may not draw you in and could use brighter happier colors, we do think the picture of the smiling girl with the kitten draws you in and makes you want to snuggle a kitten!

The Animal Defense League offered something similar with their “Become a Pet Mom” campaign to encourage cat and dog adoptions. They offered low cost adoption fees for older pets and some even waived – and held a 3 day promotion.
We find their marketing piece to be much more engaging, bright and happy and definitely more appealing – especially for social media promotion.

The Gift of Love & Life This Mother’s Day
Absolutely love this campaign – and marketing piece!
Rowdy Girl Sanctuary in Texas used to be a cattle ranch – but they transitioned into a 501(c)(3) animal sanctuary where many cattle and animals reside and will spend their lives in a safe place.
We can only imagine the costs associated with running a sanctuary of this size with animals that require a lot of food and care – so when Mother’s Day came around, they came up with a great campaign to raise funds!
Share the Love this Mother’s Day was created to allow supporters to “adopt” a Rowdy Girl Resident in the name of the Mom you want to honor.
A monthly fee allows you to adopt cattle or pigs – or any other animal they may have available. As a mom, this is the kind of gift I would LOVE to have!
If you have a sanctuary – this is a fabulous idea to help generate much needed funds for various holidays!

Mother’s Day Card
We love the idea of Mother’s Day Cards as a fundraiser! Whether you decide to do it digital or in print, the rewards can be huge if your mother is an animal lover! Personally, as a mom I would love a digital card over a paper card to save a tree!
Ten Lives Cat Rescue offered a beautifully designed card as shown below – that can be sent to any woman you love on Mother’s Day. On their Mother’s Day fundraiser page they have a donor box that allows you to choose the amount you would like to donate and then you can enter the recipients details!
The cuteness below – and the fact your mom will know you donated are a priceless gift they will cherish!

Friends of Jacksonville Animals also has a great example of a card fundraiser – with a design we love for cat moms! For only $5.00 you will receive a link to print the card at home and then you can add your personal touch to the greeting.
Know of a Mother’s Day rescue event or fundraiser I should add to this list? Leave a comment and let me know!