Vet visits, medical details, notes for the pet sitter – how do you track it all? This pet planner will definitely help keep your pet care details organized and easy to access for those that may care for your pets while you are away!
If you are like me, you might save the receipts from your vet visits and they are now all bundled up somewhere in a box or filing cabinet. Not exactly easy to find. While it is good to save these items, what do you do when you actually NEED them!
Do you know when your dog had their last rabies shot?
When did you take your cat in for their last wellness visit?
With life being so crazy busy these days – you probably do not know these answers off the top of your head! Managing your pet’s health is one of the most important parts of being a pet owner, but it is so hard to keep track of everything. I truly hope this pet care planner can help!
But know you do not need to!
I had this pet planner created just for you!
Pet Planner Details
The pet planner is an adorably designed PDF file that you can print at home. Print one for each pet you own and keep them in a folder that can be easily accessed.
Every family should be using these – and they come in especially handy for pet sitters and care takers! It is important for them to know the basics of your pet’s health in the event an emergency arises while you are away.
The pet care planner includes the following pages:
- Pet information page features fields for general pet information like height, weight, veterinarian information, ID tags and owner information.
- Pet vaccination record featuring fields for date, age, type, brand, given by and the next time it is due.
- Visits to the vet page allows you to track all the visits with date and reason for the visit helping you see at ease when they are due for their next visit.
- The medication tracker is a great tool for the older pets! I know my 2 seniors had a lot of medications and it was sometimes hard for our family to keep track of when their meds were given! This will help keep your family organized ensuring your pet receives their medications when needed.
- Pet sitter notes is the last page and is filled with fields for who to contact in the event of an emergency, instructions for care and of course an emergency contact area.
When my dog came down with Cushing’s disease we seemed to be at the vet a ton – and the medication we tried were overwhelming. I wish I had this planner then to help stay organized!
Below is the pet sitter notes page so you can see what it looks like!

Download The Pet Planner
Yes, this pet planner is free and ready for you to download and print.
Simply enter your email below and you will receive the pet planner in your inbox in just a few minutes to be able to download and enjoy!
While you can print this on any type of paper, I would recommend something with a bit of rigidness like a 32 pound weight which is heavier than your standard printer paper. This will just help your pages last longer!
You can then either place them in a folder, staple them into a nice litter packer or use a hole puncher to add them to a binder. A binder is a great idea if you have multiple pets as you can then separate each pet making it easy to find their information.
I do hope you find this pet planner to be useful! I know some pet planners have a lot more information in them, but I am a less is more kind of girl and wanted to create one that only has what I think are the important items to keeping my pets on track with their health and happiness.