Thank you for your interest in sharing your story with CharityPaws – if you love animals as much as we do and want to help us educate, inform or entertain – this is the place to to do it!
Types of stories we are looking for
We focus on 2 different demographics for our magazine. The first demographic is the animal welfare community who is looking for ideas, inspiration or resources for improving their adoptions and grow their donations – this group can include volunteers, founders or management within the animal welfare community.
The second are people who support and adopt from these groups – they may not volunteer but they advocate for, adopt from and support in other ways.
Our goal is to help a community that is in trouble – not be a link source – if you would like to provide an article that can make a difference in the animal community, then we ARE the right publication for you.
Some of the types of stories we are interested in include:

- Interviews with people who are doing great things in the animal welfare community.
- Case studies on successful fundraising events.
- Information on how to help your rescue animal acclimate to a new home.
- How we can make a difference in the animal welfare world – from changing laws to public perception.
- Posts about marketing ideas with possible free downloads that rescues and shelters can print and use for free.
- Inspiring adoption stories, aggressive dogs now sweet and loving, elderly dogs who exceeded expectations, stories that show shelter dogs are different when adopted.
- We also want to expand into other animals as well so if you love bunnies, birds, snakes or any animal that can be adopted, we want to hear from you.
General guidelines
- Write a post with content that either entertains, educates or offers something to our readers.
- Content must be unique and not published before.
- You must currently have your own blog (rescue/shelter) in order to write for us so we can see your style.
- Ensure that your post does not violate any copyright laws.
- If your post does not follow the guidelines, you may not receive a response from us.
Submitting a post idea
Please send an email to: [email protected]. Please note the subject as “CharityPaws Story” and be sure to include the following in your email.
- A few lines about who you are and your interest in rescue and/or animals.
- Define the proposed title of your post.
- Submit a few bullet points about the content for the post.
- How would our readers benefit from your post?
- Add a couple of links to your best posts for us to review.
Post submissions
All post submissions will be responded to within 5 business days. If we do not feel your post is a good fit we will give you a reason. You can resubmit ideas as often as you would like.
If we accept your proposal, please upload the full post to a Google doc and share it with [email protected]. Please understand that we may make edits to your post to ensure it fits with our style and for grammar/spelling. Posts will often also be edited to include links to other posts on our website. The CharityPaws team will do post formatting, so there is no need for you to “make it pretty” – we will handle that part!
The following are the requirements for post submissions:
- Compelling post title
- Strong intro paragraph in a storytelling style that engages and entices readers to continue through to the rest of the article.
- Ensure there are “headings” to break up the content.
- Include a last paragraph that acts as a conclusion to summarize the post.
- Have a call to action for readers after the conclusion.
- Be a minimum of 1,000 words.
- Include your author bio at the end with a maximum of 75 words
Please do the following:
- Do edit and proofread your post for spelling and grammar.
- Do be prepared to respond to comments on the post.
Please do not do the following:
- Do not format the post, we will handle that.
- Do not include any affiliate links in your post – we won’t publish your post if you do.
- Do not include images, we will add those – unless it is 100% relevant to your story such as downloadable items or event case studies, or if you have original pictures then please include them.
Note: We retain the copyright of all material published on CharityPaws. Stories you share with us cannot be shared elsewhere; it must remain unique to CharityPaws.
Any questions – just bark at us!
Hi! My Chinese friend and myself rescue animals in Wuhan. Would you be interested in knowing what we do? Especially now during the Coronavirus crisis?
Hi Xenia – you can send your story along and if interested we will use it as an article after we verify all details! Thank you!