Would You Spend Your Fortune Saving Dogs? Wang Yan Did!

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Would You Spend Your Fortune Saving Dogs? Wang Yan Did!

Sometimes it is hard to really find them, but there are a whole lot of amazing people in the world like Michael J Baines of The Man Who Rescues Dogs – and Wang Yan who you will meet below.

Wang Yan is one of them – and I am kind of sad I have not heard of him before today.

His story started in 2012 when his dog went missing. He searched far and wide but the dog he loved was never found.

Wang Yan Chine Dog Rescuer
image credit: China News

Someone ultimately recommended he try visiting a “slaughterhouse” to see if his dog was there. It is common knowledge that China has a big issue with dog slaughterhouses and often steal loved family pets for these slaughterhouses.

The Yulin meat festival is one of the most controversial activities in the world with so many people trying to disband the event. This is ultimately where these dogs will wind up – but many Chinese eat dog for beliefs of the power dog meat has – so the pain and suffering is not limited to the timing of the meat festival.

So, he went to a slaughterhouse and spent around a week there, but sadly his dog never showed up.

But he was left with some horrific images he could not get out of his mind, and that is the day his life changed – as did the lives of thousands of dogs.

Wang Yan Saving Dogs From Slaughter
image credit: Sina News

Wang Yan is was a millionaire.

He earned his money as a proprietor of an iron and steel factory and ultimately used that fortune to buy that slaughterhouse and start a rescue in the northeast China city of Helong.

He named the rescue Changchun Animal Rescue Base

He houses the dogs he cares for in an old abandoned steel factory.

At the most he cared for is about 1,000 dogs, but thankfully a lot of them have been adopted by great families. He will typically house about 200 or so dogs at the facility at any given time in latest updates.

Sadly, his plight is not unlike other “heroes” in the animal welfare world where there are more animals than there is money. Even as a millionaire his funds have essentially dried up. It is expensive to care for and house hundreds of dogs and he has spent his last pennies doing just that.

Slaughter Dogs Saved China
image credit: China News

What kind of makes this guy even super cooler (as if he could be any better!) – his philosophy has been to not take money from supporters but to ask that they send food and supplies for the dogs.

His words exactly:

“I do not accept monetary donations,” he explained. “I only hope that kind-hearted people will be able to donate a few supplies to help build a home from these 200 dogs.”

Cool right? But sadly food and supplies alone are not always enough so we hope someday he will be open to financial donations for his amazing work.

China Dog Rescuer
image credit: China News

So, if you had millions – would you do what this guy has done? I know I would!

Jill Caren CharityPaws

Jill Caren

Jill is an avid animal lover who spends her time helping animal rescues by photographing homeless pets and through her work on CharityPaws.

She is currently owned by Cleo, an American Pit Bull Terrier and Snoopy Cat. Her inspiration comes from her girls Ginger and Riley (RIP) – pit mix sisters who were loved family members for almost 15 years.

You can find her on LinkedIn and Instagram.

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9 thoughts on “Would You Spend Your Fortune Saving Dogs? Wang Yan Did!”

  1. Having that amount of money, now do I want designer, handbags,shoes, clothes, eat at the best restaurants etc…
    I would choose in helping animals everyone.
    I had to have my old dog euthanized after 14years, health problems, I was heartbroken.
    Dogs love you more than they love themselves..????????‍⬛????????????‍⬛????????????‍⬛????‍⬛

  2. Can you please provide update this story is from 2015. Does he still have the shelter is he accepting donations now

  3. I love this man. I would dearly love to help him but I live in California, USA. I hope he starts taking monetary donations – I’m sure there are many people throughout the world who would want to help.

      • Writers share these stories because not everyone has seen them. Many of my readers had never heard of Wang Yan before and were thankful for the share. Unfortunately, we were not able to find any updates regarding his facilities – and we do continue to check. We have also attempted to contact him with no response – if we get something we will of course update this post. Our goal is to share content to inspire others to get involved and make a difference – this man was inspirational!

  4. Amazing amazing! I love this story and hope he can receive more recognition for this humanitarian work to inspire others to do the same!
