Every once in a while we see something in the animal rescue world that makes us go HUH!? Sometimes it is a good thing, sometimes it is not. But the Dog Walk of the Dead – well this is SOOOOO good we wanted to share it to inspire you!
An animal fundraiser that is zombie-focused! Imagine, zombie dogs – zombie humans – and all things zombie that raises money for animal rescues. It is a real thing – and happens every year here in NJ.

When we started CharityPaws we sold apparel – and in our quest for world domination we tried to find places we could get it seen – and purchased – so we can donate more to shelters.
I found a small event called “Dog Walk of the Dead” – and thought really? What the heck is this.
So I reached out via email and kind of fell in love with the whole idea after that. While I never exhibited at the event – I love what they do and think the uniqueness of this event is amazing and it makes for an incredible fundraiser for animal rescues and shelters.
This year I will be going just for fun and to take some pictures and will add them to this post when I do!
Basically it is a celebration of all things dead which in turn helps the living.
I know morbid – but oh so fun.
Zombies — zombie dogs, zombie humans, zombie themed goodies – if you love Zombies, you will love this event. If you love horror movies, you will love this event. If you love fun, you will love this event. If you love dogs, you will love this event.
Heck, if you are human – and not a zombie – you will STILL love this event.
It all started in 2013 and has been wildly successful! In that first year there was more than 600 zombies of all types that made an appearance! In the years since it continues to grow and expand and is a highlight of the Halloween season for dog lovers in NJ.
See – there is SOMETHING good here in NJ and Dog Walk of the Dead would be it.
Anthony Muzikar is the brain child behind this event and runs it with his wife Deann. He has his own brand of dog apparel at MetalDogz and his love for zombies and horror movies inspired him to create this fun and unique event that is both family fun and does good for our local rescues.
Sadly – this year the Dog Walk of The Dead is not happening. They noted personal reasons on their website with a note they would be back in 2020 – and we hope they do come back! This event has been so successful and well received we would hate to see it end!
Dog Walk of the Dead 6
Sussex County Fairgrounds
Saturday – October 20, 2018
11am – 4pm (Rain or Shine)
Admission: $3.00 which is donated to their partner rescue. Children under 12 are free.
Most of the event is indoors so it is a rain or shine event.
This year they are teaming up with Community Blood Services for a blood drive! A perfect addition to a zombie walk right?
Participants in the event can sign up online to schedule a time to give blood that will help save lives.
I did not know – but just a unit of blood can help save up to 3 lives! There is a link right on their home page at Dog Walk of the Dead where you can sign up to donate your blood – and if you attend the event, we hope you will!

One again they are supporting One Step Closer Animal Rescue (OSCAR) to be the recipient of collected donations!
So every $3.00 admission fee collected gets donated and attendees are encouraged to bring donations for the pets that are in the care of OSCAR.
This is kinda awesome! For the first time the event will be hosting a zombie pin-up girl contest. So if you are a zombie who is sexy even in death – this is the perfect contest for you.
A suggested donation of $10 is being recommended to take part in this event which will go to Pinups for Pitbulls and OSCAR. There is also a $100 cash prize for the winner of the event.
Pinups for Pitbulls will be judging this event and the first 25 entrants will receive a free goodie bag from Petunia Rocks Fashion! If you love Goth, you will love their merchandise so sign up early!
Weather permitting because this part is obviously outside – is their classic car show showcasing the killer rides that are out there! They encourage all car clubs to join in on the fun and attendees will have chance to vote on their favorite car.
Last year they did a “stuff the hearse” campaign! A hearse was on site at the event and attendees stuffed lots of goodies into the hearse that went right to OSCAR! We love this idea!
This event allows for up to 45 vendors to attend to showcase their ghoulish wares. Terri Carr from our local radio station WDHA has been a loyal attendee for several years and will be onsite again this year sharing the event on the radio!
A small sampling of the vendors that will be there include:
Pinups for Pitbulls
Malz Palz
Maxwell & Molly’s Closet
Petunia Rocks
Honey Hound Farm
Astrology Boutique
Wolf Visions
Blairstown Museum…..
and more……
Blairstown Museum is actually hosting an adorable photo booth where you can have your images taken with Jason from Friday the 13th! Fun fact: did you know that a portion of the 1980 horror movie was filmed in Blairstown – yep it is true!
To see the full list and events visit Dog Walk of the Dead!
You can also follow Dog Walk of the Dead on Facebook to get the latest news related to the event.
Below are some images from their Instagram account showcasing the fun! All images are copyright of Dog Walk of the Dead!
Is there something similar happening in the area you live? We would love to know about it.