The Kitty Convict Project

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The Kitty Convict Project

When we learned about the Kitty Convict Project campaign to end the issue of lost indoor cats – we of course had to learn more and what we found was adorable and beneficial to helping keep cats safe.

Three fabulous minds came together to create this campaign, Matthew Inman – the brainchild behind The Oatmeal and Elan Lee and Shane Small which are the creators of Exploding Kittens.

As a side note – I had never heard of the card gameĀ Exploding Kittens, but OMG it looks fun – and funny!

On our Christmas gifting list this year for sure for the cat lovers in our lives! There are a few different versions of the game including their original version, an adult only version and then a party pack for up to 10 players.

Ok, back to the important part of this post (sorry, got detracted by adorable exploding kittens)!

The play on words to “ending cat nudity” – while funny, takes on a not so funny challenge of keeping indoor cats safe when they are allowed to roam outdoors – whether on purpose or by accident.

Every year less than 5% of missing cats are returned home! The Kitty Convict Project hopes to change that!

Why such a low number?

There are a couple of reasons so many cats are not.

1) Cats often do not have collars and/or tags on to be able to contact owners.
2) People often assume a cat randomly loose in a neighborhood is a stray – so they tend not to be reported.

What Can Cat Owners Do?

The Kitty Convict Project focuses on dealing with what they call “cat nudity” – a funny take on a big problem. No one should have a naked cat lying around – so let’s get those kitties dressed for success!

The project promoted the idea of putting something ORANGE on your cat.

Maybe an orange collar with a tag.

Maybe an orange scarf.

They even mention the idea of an orange party hat!

Just make it orange – and give it a tag and your cat can be part of the Kitty Convict Project.

Why Orange?

Well to find out why – visit the Kitty Convict Project to learn more about their reasoning about the choice of orange. But in short – orange is bright and easy to see giving your cat a better chance of being found – and orange is a color commonly associated with convicts – hence the Kitty Convict project!

The Campaign

Here are some of their promotional images which we love!

You can share these with the hastag #kittyconvict to bring light to this awesome campaign and help inspire more cat owners to properly dress their cats so they stay safe when they make their ventures to the great outdoors.

My Kitty Is A Convict
My Kitty Is A Convict

Rachel Caren


Rachel has been an intern with CharityPaws for several years and is currently attending the University of Rochester to study Biology. Her passion for cats and reptiles combined with her love for Biology shows through in the content she creates! When you want to know why or how something happens with animals, she is the girl to ask!

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