“I need help with vet bills”
“My dog is dying and I can’t afford a vet”
It is something no pet parent wants to admit – but not being able to afford a vet happens to people like you and me every day.
If getting help with vet bills is what you need – I hope you can find what you need here!
If you need a vet but have no money, there are options and more than you may think.
You might even want to consider an online vet visit if you think your pet may not have anything serious going on.
Having several pets of my own, I know how expensive vet care is.
From the dual knee surgeries to Cushing’s disease, I have been there.
I wrote an article about when to put down a dog with Cushing’s disease that may help too if you are going through that experience.
Now on to the resources to get help with vet bills for your pets.
Please make sure you read the requirements for each one to ensure you qualify.
Added note: most of these organizations are small – and doing the best they can but sometimes the aid they may offer is just a portion of your pets overall costs due to their limited funds. Please use this list as a guide – but keep doing your research to find more ways you can receive financial aid!
Need Immediate Vet Help?
Talk to a veterinarian online today with JustAnswer.
Organizations Offering Help With Vet Bills
Brodie Fund – Cancer
The Brodie Fund offers grants for pet owners who have a pet battling cancer. They do require that your veterinarian be a part of their participating vet list which you can lean more about here.
If your vet is not on the list you can talk to them to see if they can be a part of it.
Dylan’s Hearts – Various
Assists with veterinary bills for urgent medical care that offers a good prognosis for the pet. Applicant must have a diagnosis and treatment plan from their vet for applying.
View more about the eligibility requirements and how to apply here.
For The Love Of Alex
Provides help with vet bills with emergency funding for urgent and lifesaving care of pets of low-income families. Only for illness, not general care. You can apply here.
Friends of Animals
Provides certificates to get low cost spay and neuter services at a veterinarian near you. Check their search a vet feature to ensure there is one near you that accepts the certificates.
Hearts United For Animals
Hearts United For Animals offers a variety of services for pet owners in need. From temporary housing for those who have lost homes or are fleeing domestic abuse to assistance with costly medical expenses for sick animals. Visit Hearts United For Animals today to learn more.
Help-A-Pet offers financial assistance to pet owners who are unable to pay for veterinary services, medicine, or medical supplies for their sick pet.
Annual income must be under $20,000 for a single person household or $40,000 for a family household (amount varies upon the number of dependents).
JLACF/Frankie’s Friends – Cancer
The Joshua Louis Animal Cancer Fund partnered with Frankie’s Friends with the purpose of helping further the advancements of cancer research in pets and to help families dealing with pet cancer with their veterinary bills.
You can apply for financial help for your veterinary bills if your pet is diagnosed with cancer.
Kobi’s Fund – Feline VAS
Kobi’s Fund is part of the nonprofit Feline Veterinary Emergency Assistance and offers funding for cats that are diagnosed with Vaccine Associated Sarcoma (VAS).
Lucy The Rescue Dog
Financial assistance for pet owners. Pet must have a treatable disease or injury and payments go directly to the veterinarian.
Magic Bullet Fund – Cancer
Also cancer focused, the Magic Bullet Fund accepts applications for cats and dogs who will require cancer treatment and the families cannot afford it.
You can apply for veterinary financial assistance here.
Mosby Foundation – Various
The Mosby Foundation offers veterinary financial assistance for a variety of health care needs but they do have a small list of exclusions. You can learn more about their financial aid opportunities here.
The Brown Dog Foundation – Various
Brown Dog Foundation provides funding to families who find themselves with a sick pet that would likely respond to treatment -but cannot afford it. There is an application and requirements page here for you to review and apply.
The Onyx & Breezy Foundation – Various
The Onyx & Breezy Foundation was set up to honor beloved pets and they have been giving back ever since! One of their opportunities is for pet owners to receive grants for their pets care by applying for a grant.
There is some paperwork required to apply for the grant – and if you should be the recipient of one, your payment will be sent right to the vet.
Paws 4 A Cure – Various
Dedicated to providing financial assistance to individuals that need non-routine veterinary care for their dog or cat but cannot afford it. Maximum assistance is up to $500 per individual.
You can ask them for veterinary assistance here.
Pet Assistance Inc. – Various
PAI provides medical assistance to pet owners who have had their pets for years (they do not help with newly acquired pets) and cannot afford the veterinary care for an emergency.
You cane learn more about the requirements here.
The Pet Fund – Various
The Pet Fund is a nonprofit that helps pet owners with their financial needs. They focus on pet care that is not urgent – so if it is an immediate care situation, they cannot help. But if it is cancer diagnosis or other long-term care need – that is where they come in.
You can apply here and be sure to take a peak at their website for more useful information.
As you can imagine – they get a lot of requests, so if you apply – please continue on checking other options on this page!
Pets of the Homeless – Homeless Animals
This organization holds a special place in our heart. They focus solely on helping pets owned by the homeless. If you or someone you know is homeless and has a pet that needs care, this is the group that can help.
There are several ways they can help from free clinics to emergency vet care. You can learn more here.
They also have an interactive map to help you find local resources to assist you.
Red Rover – Various
Red Rover offers assistance to help animals that are part of a domestic violence situation, animals with life-threatening illnesses and those rescued from neglect.
Learn more about the relief opportunities they provide for you and your pet.
Riedel & Cody Fund – Cancer
This fund works with Waggle but offers their own funding. It offers financial assistance to pets with cancer and requires proof from an oncologist.
You can learn more about how they provide financial veterinary assistance here.
Shakespeare Animal Fund – Elderly & Disabled
Grants for veterinary care from Shakespeare Animal Fund are to help the elderly and disabled pet owners who have an income under the poverty level guidelines. They offer funding for emergencies of all types and will pay the vet directly. Only available in Northern Nevada.
Read more about their vet grants here.
STARelief and Pet Assistance – Various
STARelief offers several different programs to assist pet owners with their financial needs. They offer help to the homeless, families, military vets and more.
Find out more about who they help here.
Tipper & Squirt Cushing’s Fund – Cushings Disease
This fund was created just to assist pet parents with the costs of care related to Cushing’s disease. Maximum per household per year is $250 and you can learn more here.
Waggle Crowdfunding/Foundation – Various
A newer and unique way of getting funding to help your pet is Waggle!
Waggle is a crowdfunding platform similar to GoFundMe but just for pets. The one differentiating factor is that your veterinarian needs to be a vet member so they can work with Waggle to create a fundraising page for your pet.
Once you know how much you will need for your pet’s care – you can ask the vet to reach out to Waggle to create your fundraising page. Then you can share with friends and family – and Waggle will also share with their community as well.
There is no fee to you and in the end we hope you get enough to pay for your pets care!
They also have a the Waggle Foundation which is a separate way of helping you with grants for your pet’s care.
Below is a sample of a page from Waggle for Greta, who ultimately got funded and received the surgery she needed.

Other Financial Help For Vet Bills
Talk To Your Veterinarian
Most veterinarians understand that things happen and if you have a good relationship with them and are a good pet parent there may be options they have available you are not aware of.
Ask about a payment plan or if they know of any local resources that may be able to offer you immediate financial assistance of some sort to get your pet the care they need. Some veterinarian’s may even have an affiliation with a rescue and have a fund set up for tough situations like yours.
If you are really in a bind – ask about a work/barter opportunity! Maybe you can help care for the animals, clean the office or man the front desk to pay off your bill with them.
Ask your veterinarian if they participate in either of these programs as well which offer financing to you.
Visit Your Local Shelter
Animal shelters often offer reduced pricing for vet services. These services can include surgeries or even euthanasia so it is worth it to review this as an option.
The Humane Society has a great state list of places you can get help for your pet. But we still recommend you reach out to your local shelters to see if they have any programs in place to help you care for your pet.
This one is a a type of credit card that is specifically used for healthcare. You can also use it for your pet’s care as well. CareCredit requires and application for approval so you will need to have some type of credit to get this card.
The benefit to using CareCredit is that they offer no interest financing if you pay it off within a specific time frame.
While this is not the first option we would recommend for you because you may wind up paying more in interest than the medical care costs – it is definitely a good option!
Also not every veterinarian accepts CareCredit – so check with your vet first!
CoFund My Pet (Crowdfunding)
CoFund My Pet offers pet parents the opportunity to create a fundraising campaign for their pet. Once you raise your funds, you will receive a CoFund My Pet Veterinary debit card that you can use to pay your veterinarian.
Free Animal Doctor (Crowdfunding)
Another crowdfunding option, Free Animal Doctor allows pet owners to create a profile and start a fundraiser for their pet. Free Animal Doctor does verify the medical needs with a veterinarian and will pay the veterinarian directly from any funds raised to help ensure the money donated is used for what it was intended.
Pet Insurance
While pet insurance may not help with an immediate situation you may have, it can be a great way to make medical care for your pet easier in the future. For a small amount every month you can have the security of knowing your pet’s medical needs and general pet care may be covered with no additional output from your finances.
Pawp is a pet insurance alternative that allows you to pay a small monthly fee and receive unlimited virtual calls with a veterinarian. There is also an emergency fund that will pay up to $3,000 of an emergency vet visit that they approve. You can learn more about Pawp here, or visit their website.
While not a 100% replacement for an in-person veterinarian visit – Just Answer may be a great option if you are not quite sure what you are dealing with. With JustAnswer you can ask questions of licensed veterinarians online and they can offer assistance to determine what your dog may need. It is a free/affordable option to determine the level of care your pet may need!
You can get started right away by entering your questions below or head on over to Just Answer right now!
Vetster is another option for an in-home veterinarian consultation. The cost for an online consultation with a vet may be lower than your local vet and can be helpful to see if your pet needs more care or if there is something wrong that is not too hard to handle at home. Click here to give Vetster a go!
Veterinary Colleges
If you live close to a college that offers a veterinary program, they may be able to help you with your sick pet too! Contact the college’s veterinary department and inquire about opportunities for care for your pet.
Ways To Raise Funds Fast
Below are just a few other ways you can raise money fast to pay for your pets’ care. We know you are probably stressed and scared and wanted to make sure we gave you as many options as possible!
- Have a garage sale to sell items you are not using anymore.
- Use Ebay or Letgo or any other selling app to have more opportunities to sell your items.
- See if you can get additional credit on a credit card – but this should be a last resort!
- Talk to your bank or credit union about loans.
- Ask your employer and see if they offer any type of assistance for this type of situation – you may be surprised.
- Setup a crowdfunding campaign on Gofundme.
Financial Assistance For Pet Owners By State
Every state may have their own resources and opportunities for you to get assistance for your pets medical needs. Below are some places you might be able to find help for animals that may require care you cannot afford.
AL | AK | AZ | AR | CA | CO | CT | DE | DC | FL | GA | HI | ID | IL | IN | IA | KS | KY |LA | ME | MD | MA | MI | MN | MS | MO | MT | NE | NV | NH | NJ | NM | NY | NC | ND | OH | OK | OR | PA | RI | SC | SD | TN | TX | UT | VT | VA | WA | WV | WI | WY
Animal Friends Humane Society – low cost spay and neuter and pet food assistance.
Shelby Humane Society – low cost spay and neuter and vaccinations.
Friends of Cats and Dogs Foundation – low cost spay and neuter.
Montgomery Area Council on Aging – pet food assistance for seniors.
Alaska Equine Rescue – veterinary assistance and horse food for horse owners.
Friends of Pets – low cost spay and neuter.
Straw For Dogs – free supplies like doghouses, straw, food, treats and toys for dogs that spend a majority of their time outdoors.
The Roscoe Fund – financial assistance with emergency medical care.
Altered Tails – low cost spay and neuter.
Arizona Animal Welfare league + SPCA – provide low cost veterinary services in their on premises clinic.
Arizona Humane Society – low cost spay and neuter, vaccinations and veterinary care.
Arizona Pet Project – low cost spay and neuter.
Chuck Waggin’ Pet Food Pantry – pet food assistance.
Empty Food Bowl – pet food assistance.
Lost Our Home Pet Rescue (Tempe) – pet food bank and help with temporary fostering for those with emergencies that cannot keep their pets.
Maricopa County Spay & Neuter Program – low cost spay and neuter.
Phoenix Pet Food Pantry – pet food assistance.
Humane Society of the Ozarks – low cost spay and neuter and veterinary care assistance.
Out Of The Woods (Little Rock)- low cost spay and neuter.
Rangers Pantry (Fayetteville) – pet food bank
The Acme Foundation – financial assistance for medical and veterinary care.
Actors and Others for Animals – low cost spay and neuter and emergency medical care assistance.
Animal Action League – low cost spay and neuter and vaccinations.
Golden State Humane Society – low cost spay and neuter and financial help for veterinary care.
Fixing Long Beach – low cost spay and neuter, vaccinations and general wellness care.
Lucy Pet Foundation – low cost spay and neuter.
North Central Shelter Intervention Program – financial assistance for medical care, pet supplies and food assistance.
Humane Society of San Bernardino Valley – low cost spay and neuter and vaccinations.
Starfleet Canine Aid Foundation – financial assistance for qualified pet owners.
Voice for the Animals Foundation – financial assistance for qualified pet owners.
Animal Haus – pet food assistance.
Companion Care Program – in-home care, financial aid and pet food assistance for seniors who are disabled or unable to care for their pets.
For Pets’ Sake Humane Society – low cost spay and neuter and vaccinations.
Harley’s Hope Foundation – financial aid for medical care and behavioral training.
The Ladybug Fund – financial assistance for pet owners.
League for Animals and People of Summit County – low cost spay and neuter and financial assistance for pet medical care.
PawsCO – low cost spay and neuter and pet food assistance.
PetAid Animal Hospital – low cost spay and neuter and veterinary care.
Fox Memorial Clinic – low cost spay and neuter and vaccinations.
The Queenie Foundation – low cost spay and neuter and financial assistance for veterinary care.
Reggie’s Pet Project – urgent medical care financial assistance.
STARelief and Pet Assistance – low cost spay and neuter, vaccinations and financial assistance for veterinary care.
TEAM Mobile Feline Unit – low cost spay and neuter and vaccinations.
Fetch A Cure – their Companions In Crisis program helps pet parents with the financial hardship of a cancer diagnoses and care.
Delaware Spay & Neuter Program – low cost spay and neuter.
Delaware SPCA in Newark – low cost spay and neuter.
Grass Roots Rescue Society – low cost spay and neuter and financial assistance for veterinary care.
The Blue Ribbon Charitable Foundation – financial assistance for veterinary care.
Brevard Community Help – financial aid for veterinary care and spay and neuter.
First Coast No More Homeless Pets – pet food assistance, low cost spay and neuter and financial assistance for veterinary care.
Frankie’s Friends – financial assistance for emergency medical care.
Humanitarians of Florida – low cost spay and neuter, vaccinations and pet food assistance.
Jacksonville Humane Society – low cost spay and neuter and vaccinations
Passion for Paws – pet food assistance and affordable emergency pet care.
Project PetSnip – low cost spay and neuter and general wellness care.
TLC PetSnip – low cost spay and neuter
Affordable Veterinary Services – low cost spay and neuter and healthcare for pets.
Community Veterinary Care – financial assistance for medical care.
Georgia Animal Project – reduced cost for medical services and veterinary care.
GVMA Foundation – financial assistance for emergency pet care.
Humane Society of Cobb County – low cost spay and neuter.
Humane Society of Northeast Georgia – low cost vaccinations.
Leftover Pets – low cost spay and neuter.
LifeLine Animal Project – low cost spay and neuter.
Paradox Spay/Neuter Clinic – low cost spay and neuter and financial assistance for pet owners.
PAWS Atlanta – low cost vaccinations and affordable basic veterinary care.
Pets Are Loving Support – financial assistance for pet owners.
Pet Buddies Food Pantry – pet food assistance and low cost spay and neuter.
SpayGeorgia – low cost spay and neuter.
Hawaiian Humane Society’s (Honolulu) – low cost spay and neuter.
Hawaii Island Humane Society – low cost spay and neuter.
The Neuter Scooter – low cost spay and neuter for cats.
Cooper’s Legacy Fund – financial assistance to dog and cat owners.
Idaho Humane Society – pet food pantry, low cost spay and neuter, low income veterinary assistance for families that are at or below 150% of poverty level.
J. Kirk Foundation and Animal Assistance League low cost spay and neuter, emergency medical fund that reimburses low income pet owners for food, supplies or medical care.
Anti-Cruelty Society (Chicago) – low cost spay and neuter and vaccinations.
Companion Animal Rescue and Education Center – low cost spay and neuter.
Iroquois County Animal Rescue low cost spay and neuter as well as pet wellness services.
NAWS Illinois Humane Society – low cost spay and neuter, financial support for veterinary care for low income families.
Ernie’s Angels (Anderson) – pet food assistance.
Frantz Fund – financial support for pet care.
Humane Society of Johnson County – low cost spay and neuter and pet food assistance.
Monroe County Humane Society – pet food assistance and financial support for emergency vet care
Vanderburgh Humane Society – low cost spay and neuter and pet food assistance.
Johnson County Humane Society (Cedar Rapids & Iowa City) – financial assistance for qualified pet owners with a veterinary emergency
Caring Hands Humane Society (Newton) – low cost spay and neuter.
Great Plains SPCA – pet food pantry
Humane Society of Greater Kansas City -low cost veterinarian care and pet food assistance.
HOPE for Pets – financial assistance for veterinary care.
Saving Sunny, Inc. – low cost spay and neuter, basic veterinary caren and pet food assistance.
Animal Welfare, Inc. – low cost spay and neuter and financial assistance for veterinary care.
Capital Area Animal Welfare Society – financial assistance for medical or veterinary care and low cost spay and neuter.
Southern Animal Foundation – affordable veterinary care.
Animal Refuge League (Westbrook) – pet food assistance, low cost spay and neuter and vaccinations.
Animal Advocates of Howard County – low cost spay and neuter.
Animal Welfare League of Frederick County – low cast spay and neuter, vaccinations and financial aid for veterinary care.
Animal Welfare League of Montgomery County, MD – low cost spay and neuter.
Baltimore Humane Society low cost spay and neuter, vaccinations and pet food assistance.
Caroline County Humane Society – pet pantry, low cost rabies clinics, low cost spay and neuter.
Fetch A Cure – their Companions In Crisis program helps pet parents with the financial hardship of a cancer diagnoses and care.
Humane Society of Charles County – low cost spay and neuter.
Maryland SPCA – low cost spay and neuter.
Talbot County Humane – low cost spay and neuter.
Thankful Paws – pet food assistance.
Alliance for Animals – low cost spay and neuter.
Fairy Dogparents – pet food assistance and general medical care/medications.
Phinney’s Friends – financial assistance for medical care and pet assistance.
The Sampson Fund – financial assistance for veterinary care.
Second Chance Fund for Animal Welfare – financial assistance for medical care and low cost spay and neuter.
Merrimack River Feline Rescue Society – .
Merwin Memorial Free Clinic for Animals, Inc. (Allston) – low cost veterinarian care and vaccinations.
C.H.A.I.N.E.D. Inc. – low cost spay and neuter, vaccinations, pet supplies, pet food assistance and general medical care.
Dog Aide – daily care items, financial assistance for veterinary care and pet food assistance.
The Emergency Animal Relief Foundation – financial assistance for veterinary care.
Kalamazoo Humane Society – low cost spay and neuter and pet food assistance.
Lake Haven Rescue – low cost spay and neuter.
Michigan Humane Society – pet food assistance and low cost medical care.
Kindest Cut – low cost spay and neuter, preventative care and dental services.
Minnesota Spay Neuter Assistance Program – low cost spay and neuter.
Mission Assistance Fund – low cost medical care and medications for pets.
People and Pets Together – low cost vaccinations, pet food assistance and financial assistance for medical care.
Humane Society of South Mississippi – low cost spay and neuter.
Mississippi Spay and Neuter – low cost spay and neuter.
Bi-State Pet Food Pantry (St. Louis) – pet food assistance.
Friends of KC Animals (Kansas City) – low cost spay and neuter and financial assistance for veterinary care.
Killuminati Foundation Vet Assistance Program financial assistance for veterinary care.
Pound Pals Nooterville – low cost spay and neuter.
Flathead Spay and Neuter Task Force low cost spay and neuter.
Humane Society of Western Montana low cost spay and neuter and pet food assistance.
Hearts United for Animals – financial assistance for medical emergencies.
Lincoln Animal Ambassadors low cost spay and neuter, vaccinations and pet food assistance.
Sadie Dog Fund – financial assistance for pet medical emergencies.
Voice for Companion Animals pet food assistance and affordable general care for pets.
Nevada Humane Society (Reno) – low cost spay and neuter and vaccinations.
Spay and Neuter Center of Southern Nevada – low cost spay and neuter and vaccinations.
New Hampshire
Cocheco Valley Humane Society (Dover) – pet food assistance.
Manchester Animal Shelter – low cost spay and neuter and vaccinations.
Shadow Fund (Merrimack Valley) – offers financial assistance for a pets medical care
New Jersey
Hudson County Animal League – low cost spay and neuter and financial assistance for veterinarian care.
Living for a Cause – pet food assistance.
NJ Aid For Animals – low cost spay neuter.
Rose’s Fund – financial assistance for veterinary care.
Vet-I-Care – grants available for financial assistance for medical care.
New Mexico
Animal Humane New Mexico – low cost spay neuter and financial assistance for pet surgery.
Dona Ana County Humane Society – financial assistance for pet care.
The OSCAR Foundation financial assistance for pet care .
New York
All 4 Pets West New York (Rochester) – grants to low income families for pet care.
Animal Care Council (Endicott) – low cost spay neuter.
Animal Medical Center – financial assistance.
FurBridge (Ardsley) – financial assistance.
Healing Haven Animal Fund – financial assistance for medical care.
Humane Society of New York – low cost spay neuter.
Lollypop Farm – low cost spay neuter
Long Island Animal Surgery low cost spay neuter and affordable surgery.
Pet Emergency Fund – general financial assistance for medical care.
Pets for Life NYC – low cost spay neuter and in-home assistance for the elderly or disabled.
Rochester Hope for Pets – financial help for animals of low income families.
The Shamrock Animal Fund financial assistance for low income families.
North Carolina
The Animal Awareness Society – low cost spay neuter.
Animal Crackers – low cost spay neuter and pet food assistance.
Coalition for Humane Treatment of Animals – low cost spay neuter and financial assistance for medical care
Friends of Rocky Mount Animals, Inc. – low cost spay neuter.
Pals for Paws and Purrs – financial assistance for veterinary care.
Pet Food Pantry of Eastern North Carolina – pet food assistance.
Watauga Humane Society – low cost spay neuter.
North Dakota
Angels of Animals group helps promote animal adoption and education by providing access to affordable resources .
Cody’s Club provides financial assistance for dog cancer radiation treatments.
Colony Cats & Dogs offers low-cost spay neuter procedures and, in some qualifying circumstances, will subsidize at no cost.
Pet Advocate League – low cost spay neuter.
Pet Guards (Cuyahoga Falls) – low-cost spay neuter, vaccinations and financial aid for veterinary care.
Pets in Stitches – low cost spay neuter, vaccinations and dental care services.
Pets Uniting People Society – low cost spay neuter.
SOS of Ohio Spay and Neuter Clinic is a nonprofit spay/neuter clinic offering its services to the low-income families and animal rescue organizations of the greater Columbus area.
The Tank Funk grants financial support for emergency/lifesaving veterinary care to those who demonstrate a financial need.
Wyandot County Humane Society low cost spay and neuter.
Animal Birth Control Clinic – low cost spay and neuter, vaccinations and basic veterinary care.
Animal Rescue and Care of McCurtain County – low cost spay and neuter.
The Bella Foundation – financial assistance for veterinary care.
Pro-Bone-O is a volunteer-driven organization that offers much-needed financial aid and pet food assistance to help prevent surrendering of pets to shelters.
Umpqua Valley Humane Society assists residents with cost of spaying and neutering pets.
Humane Society (Douglas) – is on a mission to reduce the number of uncared for and unwanted pets by offering financial assistance to the public and promoting responsible pet ownership.
Velvet Financial Assistance Fund (Portland) – covers a maximum of $750 per case to financially eligible families in need.
Willamette Animal Guild (Eugene) – low cost spay and neuter, vaccinations and wellness care.
Animal Rescue League of Western Pennsylvania – financial assistance for emergency pet care needs.
The Anna Shelter – pet food pantry
No Kill Lehigh Valley (Lehigh) – low cost spay and neuter and financial assistance for medical care.
Sam’s Hope – financial assistance for medical care.
Rhode Island
Hands that Heal RI – low cost spay and neuter, vaccinations and pet food assistance.
Paris Fund – financial assistance for qualifying pet owners
Rhode Island Community Spay/Neuter Clinic – low cost spay and neuter.
Companion Animal Foundation – financial assistance for medical care.
Volunteer Services for Animals – financial assistance for medical care.
South Carolina
Broken Tails grants for financial aid to help with pet care costs.
Pet Helpers – low cost spay and neuter.
Winnie Healthcare Endowment – pet assistance for emergency veterinarian care.
South Dakota
Brookings Humane Society – low cost spay and neuter.
Oglala Pet Project – low cost spay and neuter and pet food assistance.
Siouxland Humane Society – financial assistance to get a veterinary exam.
Fayette County Animal Rescue – low cost spay and neuter.
Humane Society of Putnam County – low cost spay and neuter and financial assistance for veterinary care.
Lovie’s Legacy – grants to assist families in need with their medical care.
Nashville Humane Association – low cost spay and neuter.
Young-Williams Animal Center’s – low cost spay and neuter and pet food assistance.
Animal Birth Control Clinic – low cost spay and neuter, vaccinations and preventative care treatment.
Animal Friends of Washington County – low cost spay and neuter, vaccinations and preventative care for pets.
Arlington Humane Society – low cost spay and neuter and vaccinations
Capper and Chris Save the Animals Fund – financial assistance for qualifying pet owners.
Community Pet Outreach – low cost pet care for companion animals
DaisyCares Pet Food Program – pet food assistance.
Freeman-Fritts – low cost spay and neuter and vaccinations.
Houston Humane Society – low cost spay and neuter and veterinary care.
Pet Food Bank of Austin and Travis County – pet food assistance.
Humane Society of Moab Valley – low cost spay and neuter.
Humane Society of Utah – low cost spay and neuter.
Pet Samaritan Fund financial assistance for veterinary care.
Lucy’s House for the Prevention of Homeless Pets – financial assistance for emergency medical care.
Pope Memorial Animal Shelter – low cost spay and neuter.
Second Chance Animal Shelter – low cost spay and neuter.
Angels of Assisi – low cost vaccinations.
Animal Welfare League of Arlington – financial assistance for qualified pet owners.
Bedford Humane Society – low cost spay and neuter and pet food assistance.
Capital Animal Care Mobile Spay/Neuter Clinic – low cost spay and neuter and pet food assistance.
Fetch A Cure – their Companions In Crisis program helps pet parents with the financial hardship of a cancer diagnoses and care.
Franklin County Humane Society – low cost spay and neuter and vaccinations.
Humane Society of Fairfax County – pet food assistance and low cost general wellness care.
Humane Society of Loudoun County – low cost spay and neuter and pet food assistance.
Partners Among Cats and Canines – low cost spay and neuter and financial assistance for emergency veterinary care.
Prince William SPCA – low cost spay and neuter and vaccinations.
Roanoke Valley SPCA – low cost spay and neuter.
SPCA of Martinsville and Henry County low cost spay and neuter.
Budkis Fund (Puget Sound) – offers financial assistance for pets owners who are low income senior citizens
Doney Memorial Pet Clinic (Seattle) – a veterinary clinic that offers services to homeless and qualifying low income resident and a pet food bank.
The NOAH Center (Stanwood) – low cost spay and neuter.
Olympic Mountain Pet Pals (Jefferson County) – low cost spay and neuter and financial assistance for emergency medical assistance for pets.
Pasado’s Safe Haven – low cost spay and neuter, pet food assistance.
Progressive Animal Welfare Society (Lynnwood) – low cost spay and neuter and vaccinations.
Purrfect Pals (Arlington) low cost spay an neuter.
Seattle Humane – low cost spay and neuter.
Whatcom Humane Society (Whatcom County) – low cost spay and neuter and pet food assistance.
West Virginia
Animal Welfare League of Arlington – low cost spay neuter program for pet owners with an annual household income of $60,000 or less, assistance for emergency pet care or chronic conditions that pet owners cannot afford, food bank for pets with food, enrichment items and preventatives.
National Humane Education Society has been fighting against animal cruelty ever since. Among their many resources, they also help curb animal overpopulation through their spay/neuter program.
Friends of Noah – help for families that have an emergency medical situation that may require an emergency veterinary visit that they cannot afford.
Wisconsin Humane Society – low cost spay neuter assistance program and pet food for families in need.
Helping Hands for Pets (Western Wisconsin) – low cost spay neuter, financial assistance to families to reduce surrenders or euthanasia due to financial issues.
The Humane Animal Welfare Society of Waukesha – low cost spay neuter.
WisCares (Dane County) – veterinary clinic and services for pet parents who are facing homelessness.
Central Wyoming Spay & Neuter Foundation (Central Wyoming) – financial assistance for spaying and neutering of pets.
Cheyenne Animal Shelter – low cost spay neuter services.
Fur Kids Foundation (Campbell County) – helps families that cannot afford emergency veterinary care.
Breed Specific Help With Vet Bills
Some organizations will help with your veterinary bills based on the breed. Below are a few organizations I found, but please be sure to read all guidelines carefully before applying or asking for help.
Corgi Aid – offers grants for medical expenses of rescued Pembroke and Cardigan corgis as well as corgi mixes.
Pit Bull Rescue Central – offers resources for free and low cost spay and neuter.
WestieMed – offers financial help to injured or sick rescued Westies that have been adopted within in 6 months or are in foster care.
Last updated: February 8, 2022
Fucking load of crap I had to watch my dog die for an entire week just trying to get ahold of one of these fuckers. So don’t try to sell me that vets honestly give a damn because if they did one of the fifteen I called would have fucking done something and my lovely little boy might not have lived but he wouldn’t have had to suffer needlessly either. Vets are bad people who only care about how much cash they can make up Front.
John, I am so terribly sorry about your dog – and it sounds like you went through hell. Most vets absolutely DO give a damn, and maybe you have not seen the other side of things. We are dealing with a pandemic which has greatly reduced manpower, most vets at this point in time are overworked and stressed beyond belief. There is an overall shortage of vets in the industry as well. So, as horrible as what you want through is – there is another side I hope you can see after the pain subsides. Again, I am sorry for your pain and my thoughts are with your family. Jill
Maybe you missed this part. But they were willing to accept him but I was asked to pay a ridiculous amount and then they tried to charge me cash for everything they wouldn’t do. Tell me again that story about how Vets aren’t just out for money? Even doctors that work with humans can be bothered to try to come up with a payment plan when they know their patients are in dire straights. But nope not for your pet. Instead you can buy the 600-700 dollar medication up front or your pet gets to die. It was like that before covid so don’t you dare try to blame this shit on the pandemic. No the blame lies squarely with how Vets practice their medicine
We can agree to disagree. Most vets I meet are amazing humans who do this because they love animals. I think you need to talk to one and ask them how much it cost to run a business, rent a location, pay insurance, pay staff, the cost of medical equipment and so on. I am sorry, but I think you are being bitter because you are angry – and I get it. But I 100% disagree that they are out to “gouge” you. I am not saying that is the case with SOME, but MOST just love animals and want to make a difference. If you went to 15 vets and all were the same – then maybe you need to take my advice and better understand the cost of running a veterinarian clinic. After all, it is a business.
Hello. My dog Cherokee is injured in both legs. She will need TPLO surgery as soon as possible. I need her pls help pls help me to help my dog. I only makes 11.00 an hour. I tried GoFundMe and only make 170.00. Pls help. Pls. I’m hearing impaired and born with it. My dog is my hearing. She’s my service dog! Pls. Edna
Hi Edna, I am so sorry about Cherokee. Unfortunately I cannot personally assist you, but please do reach out to any of the resources on this page to try and get some assistance. Waggle.org is a great option for you – just let your vet know about it. Jill
Our dog has heartworms and is dying. This morning he started pooping blood and he will only drink water. Can’t afford to take Buddy to the vet.
Hi Paulette – I am sorry about Buddy – but please, use some of the resources on this page to help you! Waggle is a great way to get your dog some help – talk to your vet about them and then get a campaign started so you can raise the money needed to help him.
My dog has many lumps that could be cancer but I am disabled on a fixed income.
I am sorry Carles – please try to reach out to some of the resources on this page! Once you get a diagnosis then you will have more options to get some funding. Hope you baby is OK though!