So to follow up with our Bikers and Kitties adoption campaign, we also created a Pitties + Pretties photo session which featured a few pit bulls with some pretty ladies out and about at a local shopping center.
The purpose of the Opposites Attract campaign was to show how potential dog or cat adopters should really embrace the adoption experience and keep their minds open when considering the perfect pet to add to their family.
By showcasing pit bull breed dogs with “girly girls” we are opening minds to what can be and helping people to see how awesome this breed really is.
There are lots of things to think about when considering adopting a pit bull, and they may not be a great fit for every family. But there are more good things about pits than bad. That is the purpose behind this campaign – to show the positive side of the pit bull breed.
This animal adoption campaign was the idea of then marketing person Lisa Kelley-Mulhearn for the Monmouth County SPCA located in NJ. As a pet photographer in NJ, I was in love with the idea and of course jumped on the chance to be involved when I was asked.
I had worked with the SPCA on some other projects and was asked to take part in this campaign along with another local photographer Victor Bubadias Photography – and it was such a great time – and Lisa did an amazing job getting this all together!
This would make a great campaign for any group that has a large amount of pit bull dogs for adoption and needs to find a way to make people see the “softer side” of these beautiful dogs.
Here are just a few of my favorite images from this session!

I have a 3 year old Pitbull, male. We’ve had him since he was about 10 weeks old. Except for the occasional escapes from the backyard between 6-12/13 months old, he’s awesome. He’s so great, everyone within a half mile radius loves him!
He’s gotten out of the “Houdini” stage of his life. He plays with his big sister, our 8 year old American Bulldog. They’re both indoor dogs. They go out to use the bathroom, multiple times a day. And, living in NE Ohio, when the weather permits, they have play time outside.
I don’t know how our lives would be, without Thor. But I’m glad we never had to find out! (Married mother of 6 boys; 24, 22, 19, 18, 14 & 10).
Thank you for giving a pittie a chance, sounds like Thor landed a great home! And 6 boys! That is a whole lot of fun for Thor I am sure! Thanks for sharing your positive experience! Jill