Choosing girl dog names should be something you put some thought into.
You want your dog to clearly understand when you are calling them and not be confused by their name sounding like other words.
When we brought Cleo home to foster, it took us literally 2 hours to come up with names.
There was three of us sitting around spouting out names.
Then my daughter said “Chloe” – which I liked but did not love.
Then, it happened. I cannot remember who it was but someone called out “Cleo” and bam, there it was – her new name.
Naming a girl dog is a big deal, so you want to give them a name that everyone is happy with and that your dog can easily understand.
Below we have listed over 500 Girl Dog Names for you to choose from. These girl names are to help you come up with something that works with your pup. Keep in mind that the name you finally choose might be a variation of one of the names listed below.
Keep an open mind and just know that you don’t have to come up with a name today! Take a day or two to find the name you really like, or better yet, it sticks or fits your new girl pup.

Girl dog names starting with A
- Abby
- Abigail
- Adele
- Addie
- Agnes
- Alexa
- Alexis
- Allie
- Alma
- Amber
- Amelia
- Angel
- Anna
- Apple
- Ariel
- Aries
- Arya
- Aspen
- Astrid
- Atari
- Audrey
- Aura
- Aurora
- Ava
- Ayla
Girl dog names starting with B
- Babs
- Baby
- Baila
- Bailey
- Baize
- Baja
- Bali
- Balia
- Bambi
- Banji
- Banjo
- Barah
- Barbie
- Barri
- Basia
- Basil
- Batilda
- Bayla
- Bea
- Beans
- Beatrix
- Becca
- Bedelia
- Beeja
- Belia
- Bella
- Benja
- Bernadette
- Bernice
- Bertha
- Bertie
- Beryl
- Bessa
- Beta
- Betsy
- Betty
- Bevie
- Bianca
- Biddie
- Bijou
- Billie
- Bindi
- Birdie
- BiscuitBitty
- Bixby
- Blaire
- Blaise
- Blanca
- Blanch
- Blossom
- Blu
- Blythe
- Bobbi
- Boca
- Bodhi
- Bojana
- Bolina
- Bonita
- Bonnie
- Bootsie
- Bora
- Bracka
- Bradi
- Brandi
- Bree
- Brenna
- Briar
- Bridget
- Brie
- Brinly
- Bristol
- Brita
- Brixie
- Brooke
- Brooklyn
- Brownie
- Brya
- Bryn
- Bubbles
- Buffy
- Bunny
- Buttercup
- Buttons
Girl dog names starting with C
- Calie
- Calypso
- Cami
- Candy
- Canyon
- Cara
- Carly
- Carmella
- Casey
- Cassie
- Chanel
- Charli
- Cherry
- Chewy
- ChiChi
- Chloe
- CiCi
- Cinder
- Cleo
- Clover
- Coco
- Cookie
- Cooper
- Cora
- Cricket
- Crystal
- Cupcake
Girl dog names starting with D
- Daisy
- Dakota
- Danni
- Daphnie
- Darcy
- Delta
- Demi
- Destiny
- Diamond
- Dior
- Diva
- Dixie
- Doara
- Dolly
- Dora
- Doris
- Dottie
- Duchess
Girl dog names starting with E
- Eden
- Edie
- Egypt
- Elana
- Ella
- Elsa
- Elsie
- Ember
- Emmie
Girl dog names starting with F
- Faith
- Fantasia
- Farah
- Farina
- Fatima
- Faye
- Fedra
- Felice
- Fergi
- Fifi
- Filly
- Finni
- Fiona
- Flora
- Florence
- Flori
- Flower
- Fran
- Franzi
- Fraya
- Freckles
- Freda
- Freja
- Frida
- Frisby
Girl dog names starting with G
- Gabby
- Georgia
- Gia
- Gigi
- Gidget
- Ginger
- Ginny
- Goldie
- Gracie
- Greta
- Gretel
- Gypsy
Girl dog names starting with H
- Haley
- Hallie
- Hanna
- Harley
- Harper
- Haven
- Hazel
- Heaven
- Heidi
- Hilary
- Hilda
- Holly
- Honey
- Hope
Girl dog names starting with I
- Ibeza
- Ida
- Ilsa
- Inca
- India
- Indie
- Indigo
- Inga
- Ingra
- Ink
- Inna
- Innie
- Ireland
- Irina
- Iris
- Irma
- Isla
- Ivana
- Ivory
- Ivy
- Izzie
Related: 111 Flower Names For Female Dogs
Girl dog names starting with J
- Jada
- Jamie
- Janie
- Jasmine
- Java
- Jax
- Jennifer
- Jersey
- Jessie
- Jolene
- Josie
- Journie
- Juliette
- Juno
Girl dog names starting with K
- Kahlua
- Kallie
- Karma
- Kayla
- Kelsey
- Kenya
- Khloe
- Kiki
- Kinley
- Kiwi
- Kimono
- Kirby
- Kleo
- Koko
- Kylo
Girl dog names starting with L
- Lacey
- Lady
- Laika
- Lalita
- Lana
- Lara
- Laska
- Layla
- Leika
- Leila
- Lena
- Levit
- Lexie
- Liana
- Lida
- Lilac
- Lily
- Lima
- Lina
- Lira
- Liska
- Lita
- Livie
- Lizzy
- Loki
- Lola
- Lolly
- London
- Lorelai
- Lorry
- Louisa
- Lucia
- Lucy
- Lulu
- Luna
- Lyra
Girl dog names starting with M
- Mabel
- Mackenzie
- Macy
- Madge
- Maddona
- Maggie
- Magsy
- Maika
- Mala
- Malta
- Mamie
- Mandy
- Manie
- Mara
- Marcelle
- Marcy
- Maren
- Margy
- Marley
- Marta
- Maxi
- Meggie
- Meike
- Melia
- Melli
- Mera
- Meryl
- Mika
- Millie
- Mimi
- Mindy
- Minnie
- Mira
- Mirta
- Missy
- Mocca
- Mocha
- Moira
- Moki
- Mollie
- Moonfire
- Morgan
- Motte
- Moxie
- Muppet
- Myra
Girl dog names starting with N
- Naja
- Nala
- Namik
- Nandra
- Nanook
- Nara
- Navi
- Nayla
- Neddy
- Nelda
- Nelly
- Nessie
- Netty
- Nibbles
- Nikki
- Nimis
- Nina
- Nira
- Nita
- Nixe
- Nola
- Nomi
- Nora
- Norma
- Nova
- Nugget
Girl dog names starting with O
- Obri
- Ocarina
- Ocean
- Ociana
- Oda
- Odette
- Odile
- Odilla
- Odine
- Odiria
- Ohana
- Oka
- Oki
- Olette
- Olga
- Olive
- Olivia
- Ona
- Onda
- Oni
- Opal
- Ophelia
- Oprah
- Orelle
- Oreo
- Orissa
- Oxana
- Opal
- Onyx
- Oxana
Girl dog names starting with P
- Paige
- Parsley
- Payton
- Peaches
- Peanut
- Pebbles
- Penny
- Peppa
- Pepper
- Petunia
- Phoebe
- Pickles
- Piggy
- Pinkie
- Pinot
- Piper
- Polly
- Poppy
- Princess
- Pumpkin
Girl dog names starting with Q
- Quamra
- Quartie
- Quartz
- Queenie
- Quiche
- Quigglie
- Quilla
- Quinn
- Quintina
Girl dog names starting with R
- Raina
- Raisin
- Raven
- Reba
- Reece
- Reena
- Rhonda
- Riley
- Rita
- Ritzy
- River
- Rivka
- Rogue
- Rosa
- Rose
- Rosemary
- Rosie
- Roxie
- Ruby
- Rudi
- Ruthie
- Ryder
- Rylie
Girl dog names starting with S
- Saffron
- Sally
- Sammi
- Sandy
- Sasha
- Savannah
- Scarlet
- Scooby
- Scooter
- Scout
- Seven
- Shadow
- Shelby
- Sierra
- Simba
- Siri
- Skittles
- Skye
- Smokie
- Snickers
- Snoopy
- Snow
- Sophie
- Sparkle
- Star
- Stella
- Stormy
- Sugar
- Suki
- Sunny
- Sushi
- Sydney
Related: White Dog Names
Girl dog names starting with T
- Tabitha
- Taki
- Talia
- Tamara
- Tami
- Tanca
- Tara
- Tatum
- Teckla
- Tedi
- Teiga
- Telma
- Tenley
- Tennie
- Tequita
- Terak
- Terrie
- Tessa
- Thalia
- Thea
- Thora
- Tiffy
- Tiggi
- Tiki
- Tilda
- Tilly
- Tina
- Tiny
- Tipsy
- Tobi
- Tootsie
- Topaz
- Tori
- Traci
- Trina
- Trixie
- Troja
- Trudy
- Tula
- Tunia
- Turi
- Tussi
- Twiggy
- Twinkie
- Twixie
- Tyra
Girl dog names starting with U
- Uda
- Uli
- Ulma
- Ursula
- Uinta
- Umber
- Unity
- Unna
- Urielle
- Ursel
- Ursi
- Ursula
- Uta
- Utah
- Una
- Utopia
Girl dog names starting with V
- Vaila
- Vala
- Valentina
- Valera
- Valerie
- Valda
- Valencia
- Valeria
- Valet
- Valla
- Valia
- Valor
- Vanessa
- Vania
- Varella
- Venda
- Venecia
- Venice
- Venna
- Venus
- Vera
- Vergie
- VeronaVespa
- Vessi
- Vianka
- Vickie/Vicky
- Viera
- Viesta
- Vilma
- Vinka
- Violet
- Viper
- Vixen
- Vienna
- Vollie
- Vonda
- Vyra
- Vandie
Girl dog names starting with W
- Wanda
- Waynoka
- Westlyn
- Whisper
- Winnie
- Willow
- Winter
- Willa
- Winona
Girl dog names starting with X
- Xandra
- Xanti
- Xena
- Xiadani
- Xella
Girl dog names starting with Y
- Yara
- Yasmin
- Yellow
- Yeska
- Yola
- Yosemite
- Yumi
- Yuba
- Yoko
- Yeardley
Girl dog names starting with Z
- Zada
- Zara
- Zadie
- Zelda
- Zella
- Zena
- Zipper
- Zola
- Zuni
- Zuri
- Zoe
- Zelda
- Zsa Zsa
Naming Tips For Girl Dogs
- Be aware of family names first. You do not want to name your dog Cleo if you have a daughter named Chloe for example. It may be too confusing for your dog to understand the difference.
- Think of commands you want to train your dog with. If you are giving commands like stay or sit, you may not want to use names like Mae or Ritt. I know bad examples, but you get the point! If the names are too similar to a command, you can see where the confusion might be.
- What are the physical characteristics of your dog? Does she have spots – or stripes? Can you play off of those distinctions with a name? If your dog is all white or all black, there are so many options for creative names like ebony, snow, tar, sugar etc.
- Think about your hobbies and activities that your family enjoys too, this can take you down a path of creative names that you will never find a list!
Remember, a dog’s name is for life.
They have to be able to clearly understand it so they come when you call and it should speak to their personality and look.